Sunday, May 5, 2013

You Can Own "The Giving Tree"

"The Giving Tree" painting by acclaimed Syrian artist Etab Hreib and Mrs. Brooks' K/1 Multi age Class at Davidson Elementary School

When asked what would represent the purpose of A Giving Spirit Foundation,  the K/1 multi-age students came up with the idea of painting a "giving tree" based on the logo of the foundation.  They decided that "a giving tree" would produce "hearts, hands, and smiling faces because that is what we use to give/help people."  Together they worked with Etab Hreib to create this beautiful painting and will use it to raise money for AGSF.

The painting will go to the highest bidder via a silent auction that takes place throughout the month of May.  Look for the silent auction bid form  at the various A Giving Spirit Foundation Awareness Month events. Please ask any board member about the The Giving Tree silent auction if the painting and form are not at the event you attend but you are interested in bidding.   You may also contact Teri Brooks via email to check on the latest bid or to place a new bid.  

The person placing the highest bid by May 31st will be contacted via email or by phone.

To learn more about Etab Hreib and her experience with the K/1 Multi age class, check out this article from Davidson News Net.

Edit 5.11.13:  This painting is now included in the AGSF Raffle and not as a silent auction item.  For one $5 raffle ticket, you could potentially own this unique painting!  You can buy raffle tickets at most events or email for more details.