Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Shut Down: Stop ALS

"More than 30,000 of our husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents and friends are losing everything to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. It takes away the simple things—holding a pencil… thumbing a text message… screaming at the TV. It also steals the big things—walking… breathing… talking.

Well, we say: Enough! It's time to shut this thing down. So on May 18, 2014, from 1-4pm, Project A.L.S. is asking you to join The Shutdown. By taking a vow of silence that day, we’ll show our support for our loved ones with ALS.

You can give your silence to save lives, donate, or inspire others to join this movement to find a cure for ALS. However you participate, you'll be making a difference in the fight against this devastating disease. ALS may silence those affected, but together we can raise our voices—and some dollars—to stop ALS in its tracks." - 

On May 18th, A Giving Spirit Foundation Board Members and supporters will be taking a vow of silence to raise awareness of this disease that takes a voice, and much more.

Support us by vowing silence with us or making a donation to AGSF.   All funds raised on May 18th - whether donations, cookbook or tote sales - will go directly toward Project ALS to assist in their efforts to end this disease.

Learn more: